Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Communication Skills are ESSENTIAL in the job market

I never thought that job hunting was ever going to be easy, especially in the midst of a recession; but I also hadn’t anticipated having my normal speech taken away from me so swiftly either.

Every application I look at seems to say that it is essential to have excellent communication skills, especially in the field of Human Resources, Public Relations, Coordination and many others.

Most jobs require someone with good communication skills. But its not only important to be able to hold a conversation, but have an extensive vocabulary.I would argue that it is easier to have good communication skills with an average vocabulary. If you don’t know how to talk flourished, it is harder to talk above others who may feel you are just trying to make them feel less intelligent than you. What is more important than knowing big words is knowing how to use the “small” words that you do know properly.

Learn proper grammar, and you will do much better with communication. Also, learning how to speak, such as body language and non-verbal, will go a long way toward making you look intelligent without making you look arrogant (which is the biggest problem facing those who know words like loquacious).

If you still feel you would prefer using “big” words, make sure you know how to use them properly. :)

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